Women and Boundaries

Feeling like you are being taken advantage of in your relationships? Including work, marriage, family?

From a young age, women are praised for their self-abandoning and codependent behaviors. Society has ingrained the idea that putting others’ needs before our own makes us good women.

However, this mindset can lead to feeling taken for granted in relationships and ultimately results in resentment.

The Celebration of Self-Abandonment:

Society’s celebration of self-abandonment stems from a misplaced notion of altruism. Women are conditioned to prioritize the needs of others above their own. They are praised for their selflessness, often hearing phrases like, “She would give anyone the last piece of pie” While generosity and empathy are admirable traits, it is problematic when women are expected to disregard their own well-being entirely. By neglecting our own needs, we unintentionally devalue ourselves and allow others to take us for granted.

Discovering Your Authentic Self:

Learning about boundaries is a vital step toward embracing authenticity. It involves understanding our own preferences, limits, desires, and deal breakers. By taking the time to explore and acknowledge our true selves, we gain a deeper understanding of what makes us happy, fulfilled, and respected in relationships. Recognizing our own worth and communicating our boundaries effectively can pave the way for healthier connections and mutual respect. This is sustainable empowerment.

Overcoming Agenda Serving Social Grooming:

Boundary setting can be challenging, especially when societal conditioning pushes us to prioritize the needs and opinions of others. Women, are taught to suppress our feelings, thoughts, and wants. And, rewarded for it. However, it is crucial to to prioritize our own well-being makes us self-aware.

By questioning ingrained beliefs and reclaiming our personal power, we break free from the shackles of societal expectations and embrace a more authentic version of ourselves. It gives you freedom.

The Transformative Power of Boundaries:

Setting boundaries is an act of self-love and self-respect. It enables us to establish clear expectations and communicate our needs effectively. By defining our limits and deal breakers, we create a framework for healthy relationships built on mutual understanding and respect. Boundaries help us make choices that align with our values and priorities, enhancing our overall well-being and happiness.

Communication is Key:

Understanding our boundaries is just the first step. Communicating them respectfully and assertively is equally important. The significance of open and honest communication when setting boundaries. By expressing our needs clearly, we give others the opportunity to understand us better and adjust their behavior accordingly. Effective communication bridges the gap between our internal desires and external interactions, fostering healthier relationships and reducing resentment.


Reclaiming our power and embracing authenticity requires us to recognize the importance of setting healthy boundaries. The societal narrative that praises self-abandonment is there to be questioned daily. By understanding our preferences, limits, desires, and deal breakers, we can communicate our boundaries respectfully and effectively.