
 Who Cares What Others Say

The Liberating Power of Detaching from Others’ Opinions and Foolish Ideas

Recognize that what others do, believe or say speaks only about themselves and has nothing to do with you. No matter what people might say or think about you, that it is not a reflection of who you are. Taking things personally is a waste of energy and an invitation for suffering. Don’t let others’ opinions and beliefs dictate your happiness.

In our super interconnected world of bombardment on social media we find ourselves potentially influenced by the thoughts, beliefs, and actions of those around us. Stand in your own truth with gentle intentions to heal yourself and not judge others. It brings you freedom easily. 

Plus, life is more fun. Let your anxiety go by and not worry about others. You can walk away, smile, nod your head or say “That sounds important to you”.

You don’t have to engage.

Speaking up is for a dangerous situation. Stand up for vulnerable folks and set the platform to unite rather than divide us. Some have agendas that do not collectively serve our society. Teach others to speak out to keep us all safe. We are all better together.

For our own healing, it’s essential to realize that the judgments, opinions, and behaviours of others are a reflection of their own perspectives, experiences, and insecurities. They may have a foolish self serving plan.

As Eleanor Roosevelt once wisely said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” 

This sentiment underscores the importance of understanding that what others do, believe, or say speaks primarily about themselves and has nothing to do with you.

Same goes for comparing yourself to others.

Find your freedom  and sustainable calm platform by speaking up when others cause suffering and prejudice. Also, when they are creating a narrative for their own scheme.

In the realm of human interaction, it’s common to encounter criticism or negativity.

 Especially with everyone exposed online. The trolls are insecure, pathetic, evil and sad. Evil is their idea of getting attention and feeling powerful.

It’s crucial to recognize that they do not define your worth or character. Keep building your own sustainable platform so that the nasty comments flow more through you rather than sticking to you and others.

Set an example for others by sharing your intentions to speak up and not let others tell you it is toxic to talk about ‘negative situations’. Mould grows when there is no light.

External evaluations are not an accurate reflection of your intrinsic value. Taking things personally not only saps your energy but also opens the door to unnecessary suffering.

Building your own space to process your emotions, feelings, and ideas is empowering for you and others.

Everything is inside you. Not outside you.

 What you physically look like or what car you drive. 

Focus on your own calming platform. If there is no harm, then let others get fussed up about what they are doing externally.

Set your own standard and find your own freedom in grace