Calming Box Suicide Thoughts

It’s common and makes sense that folks would have thoughts of suicide. Those ideas are not true, but they feel very strong, as our minds are trained to solve problems. When it looks like nothing is going right in our lives the brain can start finding solutions to alleviate our pain and suffering. Even to extremes. 

We need to be cognizant to not take the steps to end our lives. It’s a feeling. It’s an idea. It doesn’t mean it is true although it feels strong.There is nothing wrong with ‘feeling’ like you are better off leaving this world and that others would be better off without you when your life doesn’t look like you think it should. But, that is not true.

You are the only one with access to your thoughts. 

Not everyone has a support group in family and friends. Not everyone has access to therapy. It’s best to create our own platform of knowledge and sharing to ensure this doesn’t happen to us and if it does, have some ways to manage it before we end our life.

Pretending it doesn’t happen and that staying positive is the solution to everything is not helpful. Let’s protect each other by learning, sharing and supporting.

It does not discriminate. Everyone is vulnerable to it and that can change at any stage in life.

Speaking to people who have attempted suicide all share one thing in common. The moment they did the event or activity, to end their life, it did not feel right and they instantly regretted it.

You are not failing if you have these ruminations, or get to the point where it seems like the only solution.

Our views  become distorted and negative when we feel depressed, anxious, ashamed, guilty, or angry. In those states, we cannot trust our thoughts. They are not always accurate, and not always helpful.

The world needs you. It’s a miracle that you are here. Many things had to come together to bring you here.

Some of the things you can try are; to reach out to someone. 

A friend, a family member, a suicide hotline. Be aware that some of those people may not know what to say but stay on the phone with them. 

The body can usually reset itself after around 15 minutes but you will be weak and exhausted, so stick it out. 

You can tell the friend to remind you of what you have to live for. There is always something. You are not a bad person for feeling distressed and sad.

Feeling scared, ashamed and foolish is not going to harm you. It’s uncomfortable and that is it. Remind yourself that you are dealing with a thought from a brain designed to find a way to keep you comfortable. 

Your brain will be flooded and thinking will be hard to do rationally. It’s impossible to.

It’s confusing and overwhelming but very worth it to all work together to keep ourselves and loved ones safe.

Awareness and practice are some ways to ensure everyone feels safe and confident by our own accord. 

Consider building your own calming box of a sustainable foundation of reminders for the days when it looks like everything is not worth any effort. Stay here today. Things change.Keep sharing, keep learning, keep going.You are stronger than you know.