The Struggle: Children of A Covert Narcissistic Parent

Growing up with a narcissistic parent is overwhelming with endless emotional challenges. You are left with invisible scars, a struggle with self-esteem and the inability to ever be yourself.

Narcissistic parents are self-absorbed, seeking validation and admiration from others. Their world revolves around their needs, desires, and feelings, overshadowing the needs and feelings of their children. 

In your formative years, this is confusing and hurtful. You are unseen, unheard, and unimportant, leading to feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness.

One of the most damaging aspects of growing up with a narcissistic parent is the constant criticism and belittlement. 

Adolescents internalize these negative messages, believing that they are flawed or defective. Over time, this erodes their self-esteem, making them doubt their worth and value. We develop a pervasive sense of self-doubt, always second-guessing ourselves and our abilities.

Kids of a covert narcissistic parent suppress their true selves to gain their parent’s approval. They learn to adapt and mold themselves into what their parent want them to be, rather than embracing their unique identities. This suppression has long-lasting effects, leading to a lack of authenticity and a disconnection from our true selves.

The unpredictable and volatile nature of a narcissistic parent creates an environment of constant fear and anxiety. Children walk on eggshells, constantly trying to avoid triggering their parent’s wrath or displeasure. 

This hyper-vigilance is exhausting and detrimental to your emotional well-being.

As you grow into an adult, the legacy of your upbringing continues to haunt. It means a struggle with forming healthy relationships, setting boundaries, and asserting yourself. The fear of rejection and abandonment looms large, making it challenging to trust others and be vulnerable.

However, healing is possible. With support, therapy, and self-awareness, children of narcissistic parents can reclaim their sense of self and build a life based on their terms. Recognizing the impact of their upbringing is the first step towards healing and breaking the cycle. You have gained that awareness today and are working towards your foundation of calm.

Growing up with a narcissistic parent leaves deep emotional scars, impacting your confidence and inner being. With resilience, knowledge and a plan it’s possible to overcome challenges and forge a path to healing and self-discovery. Keep going as we all deserve to be seen, heard, and valued for who we are. Beautiful humans doing our best each day.