The Web of Deception: Why Narcissists Create Untruths and Rumours

Why you feel tired and unmotivated-which has nothing to do with you or your capabilities.

You are being attacked at all levels daily.

It’s sad but good to know the truth about you. Which is that you are fine but will struggle living with a person waging war on you and the family.

Saying that you were the one who lied and cheated, manipulated, cheated 

You are crazy and have mental health problems 

You have an addiction to drugs gambling 

You are jealous and bitter 

You are neglectful 

You are professionally incompetent and lack integrity 

A narcissist stands out as a maestro of manipulation, weaving webs of deceit and spreading falsehoods with practised ease. One of their favourite tactics? Learn about them to protect yourself and maintain your sustainable foundation of calm.

Creating untruths and rumours about others. Why do they engage in behaviour, tarnishing reputations and sowing seeds of discord? Let’s delve into the twisted psyche of the narcissist to understand their motivations.

The narcissist’s deception lies in their insatiable thirst for validation and control. They thrive on power dynamics and relish in the chaos they sow. By fabricating lies and spreading rumours about others, they seek to bolster their low self image while simultaneously tearing down those around them. It’s a twisted game of manipulation where they reign supreme as the puppet master pulling the strings.

One of the insidious ways narcissists wield their deception is by projecting their own flaws onto others. Have you noticed how they accuse others of lying, cheating, and manipulating, all the while engaging in those behaviours themselves? 

It’s deflection, where they redirect attention away from their own shortcomings onto their unsuspecting targets. By painting others as the villains, they absolve themselves of guilt and accountability, maintaining their façade of perfection.

Why stop there when there are endless accusations to hurl? 

Narcissists are not content with tarnishing reputations; they aim to annihilate them entirely. 

Labelling their victims as crazy and mentally unstable. Accusing them of addiction and jealousy, they stop at nothing to discredit and devalue those who dare to challenge their authority. 

It’s psychological warfare at its finest, designed to erode the self-esteem and confidence of their targets until they’re nothing but mere shadows of their former selves.

Neglect is another weapon in the narcissist’s arsenal, one they wield with chilling precision. Whether it’s neglecting their responsibilities or neglecting the needs of others, they excel at creating an atmosphere of abandonment and isolation. By accusing their victims of neglectfulness, they further cement their own illusions of superiority, positioning themselves as the righteous guardians of morality and virtue.

And let’s not forget their penchant for attacking professional integrity. In the eyes of the narcissist, anyone who challenges their authority must be professionally incompetent and lacking in integrity. 

They undermine their victims’ careers and livelihoods, spreading rumours and lies to tarnish their professional reputation beyond repair.

It’s a calculated move designed to cripple their victims both personally and financially, leaving them at the mercy of the narcissist’s whims.

In the twisted world of the narcissist, truth is a pawn to be manipulated and distorted at will. By creating untruths and spreading rumours about others, they seek to maintain their stranglehold on power and control, no matter the cost to those around them. 

But in their relentless pursuit of validation, they fail to realise the true cost of their deception: the erosion of their own humanity. For in the end, it is not their victims who are left standing in the ruins of their lies, but the narcissist themselves, alone in their web of deceit.

Protect yourself by trying not to get involved with them ever. If you find yourself in the position of living with one or working with one, try to learn as much as you can. Pay attention to the signs. Build your foundation of calm and always believe others when they tell you someone is a manipulator. Use your tool box of calm to manage as best you can and keep going every day to change your situation.