Calming Box Stigma Surrounding Men’s Emotional Expression

Build your own tool box to help you live a better, more content life of peace, belonging and joy.

Look and feel better on your own terms.

Men have been conditioned to believe that showing vulnerability or emotional openness is a sign of weakness, reflected on them.

These deeply ingrained societal norms create a sense of isolation, making men hesitant to share their emotional struggles with others. 

Bottling up feelings might offer a temporary sense of control, but lead to emotional repression, building up pressure until it inevitably bursts. And, nothing good comes from those situations.

Men tend to fall into dangerous, self-destructive behaviors rather than seek professional help for their anxiety. They avoid or delay seeking treatment because of concerns about being treated differently, or due to perceptions that having a mental health issue diminishes their masculinity.

Some have said that it will take them having thoughts of suicide or thoughts of self-harm before they talk to a close family member or friend.

Having ruminating thoughts or scary thoughts does not mean you are failing in life.You can gently change them. Everyone has them and deals with them differently.

It’s okay to build your own sustainable foundation of strength and growth that can last a lifetime. And, to help you go through the challenges that come up in life.

When emotions become overwhelming, some men may seek refuge in substance abuse numbing with pornography, gambling, excessive exercise, or work, seeing it as a way to escape reality. These issues may provide temporary relief, but they only serve as infected band-aids, masking the underlying issues without addressing them directly. 

This is harmful to yourself, society, and your family. These coping mechanisms lead to addiction, further isolating men from seeking healthier support systems. And, lead to chronic depression.

Here is a method to try that is easy, sustainable and free.

Box breathing:

  1. Breathe out slowly, releasing all the air from your lungs.
  2. Breathe in through your nose as you slowly count to four in your head. …
  3. Hold your breath for a count of four.
  4. Exhale for another count of four.
  5. Hold your breath again for a count of four.
  6. Repeat for three to four rounds.

Used by the Navy Seals, as a method to stay calm, and it has lasting health benefits.

It can lower your blood pressure and provide an almost immediate sense of calm. The slow holding of breath allows CO2 to build up in the blood. An increased blood CO2 enhances the cardio-inhibitory response of the vagus nerve when you exhale and stimulates your parasympathetic system.

Finding easy sustainable ways and methods to deal with the stress will empower you to be yourself whether you want to be gentle, compassionate and accepted for who you are. Life is easier with contentment than hiding behind anger.

Be more peaceful and less judgmental to move forward in life no matter what comes up.

Do your best today and if you have a bad day just wait until tomorrow and try again. It’s okay to feel like you are struggling. But, it’s also okay to try to build your own sustainable foundation of calm and happiness.

To give yourself the freedom and grace that makes life easier.