Using Our Creativity

Using Creativity to Healing

All people are creative. You only have to allow room to authentically let it

unfold for yourself.

Be open to new experiences.

Creativity requires being curious. Appreciate beauty in everything. Not just photoshopped or filtered photos. A single blade of grass can be reflective and beautiful. That is what is sustainable. Everything else manipulated is junk food and will not fulfill you.

Create your own experiences and trust that you can find beauty. True beauty fills your soul. Manufactured beauty doesn’t fill you for long.

Approach creativity by listening and trying to keep an open mind as best you can.

Relax your cognitive filters. They are the security guards of the mind. They police your ideas and let the conventional ones pass through your consciousness.

However, learn not to let them restrict your beautiful and kind thoughts. Your heart knows what is real.

Engage in play to create psychological safety and be able to express yourself and experience your imagination.

Consider using solitude stillness and quiet to let your daydreaming be free. It has become common to keep incessantly engaged as a coping mechanism. It only offers relief temporarily.

Practise not looking at your phone or playing video games immediately.

Take a pause and remind yourself that you’re okay. That a video game is okay but you can wait just a moment. This will help you feel more in control and open you up to creativity, by breaking a cycle of control by external distractions.

You can co- create your own habits and not be at the mercy of relentless distractions.

Celebrate your wins. You didn’t grab your phone immediately. You took a beautiful breath, closed your eyes, before reaching for your tablet or phone. Nicely done!