Cultivating Safety and Effective Communication With Your Conscious Brain.

People are busy trying to figure out what makes them anxious and then take that out of their life thinking they can remove it and everything will be fine but it’s not effective.

Safety is a critical aspect of overall well-being, and it’s important to recognize and respond to the signals our body sends us. It’s also essential to keep growing our capacity.

Here are some steps and insights to help you cultivate safety and improve communication with your conscious mind:

Don’t Ignore Your Body’s Signals: It’s essential not to dismiss or suppress these signals. Instead, acknowledge them and try to understand what they are telling you. Ignoring these signals can lead to stress and anxiety.

Identify Triggers: Recognize what triggers feelings of unsafety or anxiety. This might be certain situations, environments, or people. Identifying triggers can help you work on managing when possible. Running away feels natural but over time this behaviour will lead to chronic issues in your life, your body and your emotional health.

Slow Down and Breathe: When you feel unsafe or anxious, practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques. Deep, slow breaths can help shift your body from a defensive state to a more relaxed one.

Gradual Exposure: If you’re working through trauma or severe anxiety, therapy often involves gradual exposure to triggers. This means facing them in a controlled and safe way, allowing your body and mind to adapt to the experience slowly.

Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help you become more aware of your body’s signals and responses. Mindfulness techniques can assist in grounding you in the present moment and reducing anxiety. It can be as simple as a walk around the block or hiding in the bathroom until you can gather yourself.

Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout this process. It’s normal to have reactions to perceived threats, and self-compassion can help you navigate challenging emotions more effectively. Think about what you would say to a friend you are supporting and offer those words of comfort to yourself.

Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with people who provide a sense of safety and support. Social connections can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. Emotional safety looks like people who listen to you, allow you to express yourself and do not judge you.

Remember that cultivating safety and improving communication with your conscious brain is a gradual process. It’s okay to seek help and take your time working through these issues. Ultimately, the goal is to create a sense of safety that allows for personal growth and healing.

Build your own foundation of calm. Using your own calming box tool kit will ensure you can find calm, peace and joy more often.