Calming Box Feel Good-Lend a Hand to Someone Else

Helping others teaches you to help yourself. If you’ve been through a tough experience or just have a case of the blues, the “activism cure” is a great way to get back to feeling like yourself.You are not helpless. Things are not hopeless. Keep searching and growing. Celebrate your wins. No matter how tiny.
Start today.

The Power of Labeling: Your Invitation to Focused Living

The next time your mind starts to wander, try labeling your thoughts and witness the transformative power it brings to your life.
This includes negative thoughts and panicking thoughts. You are allowed to label them thoughts. Literally saying “this is a thought” gives you space and the peace to detangle yourself so you can focus on how you feel to safely guide you.

The Sympathetic Nervous System: Building Awareness of Its Purpose

Your sympathetic nervous system is a component of your body’s response to stress and danger.
However, if you chronically live in this state it takes its toll on your physical body.
Resulting in a hyperactive state that is challenging to manage due to the cycle it creates, leading to anxiety.
We examine what its purpose is to help you create your sustainable calming box foundation by being aware that it is something we need. It has a purpose as long as we manage and notice how it shows up.
Perhaps we can learn to appreciate it.

The Evolution of Anxiety

An essential aspect of managing anxiety is learning to be compassionate towards yourself. There is no shame in feeling anxious or disappointed.
We adapt to the fact that our measuring stick of success is continually changing, and what once satisfied us may no longer do so.
Breaking free from the addiction to achievement and the constant comparison to others can be achieved through mindfulness, helping us break the cycle of discontent.

Patterns of Your Flawed Thinking

Overcoming these cognitive pitfalls is a lifelong journey towards better decision-making and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Build your sustainable foundation of calm by being aware of how easily we can be fooled into making choices and not shifting our beliefs.Be open to building your tool kit of calm for a sustainable future of peace and contentment despite what happens in the world.