The Evolution of Anxiety

Does everyone grapple with anxiety?

Yes, they do. It makes sense and it is normal. Not fun but it is what we were designed to do.

It’s a survival mechanism so it feels powerful. Your brain is doing what it needs to do in our modern world.

Anxiety is an inherent aspect of the human experience. Our modern beautiful brains are wired to be “Velcro for bad stuff” and “Teflon for good stuff.”

Stress has a vital role in our lives and is a product of your evolution.

Throughout human history, our ancestors relied on anxiety as a survival mechanism. Anxiety made them alert to potential threats, enabling them to avoid dangers and secure their existence. This deeply ingrained response has survived the test of time, becoming part of our cognitive makeup. However, it’s important to recognize that anxiety doesn’t have to limit our lives.

While it’s natural to want to escape unpleasant feelings, the key to managing anxiety lies in learning to be okay with discomfort. 

This approach is counterintuitive to many, as people believe they can learn how to relax and evade anxiety.

At Calming Box we always say ‘get comfortable being uncomfortable’.

Be willing to confront and acknowledge your anxiety rather than attempting to suppress it. By doing so, you don’t need to avoid it.This creates the freedom to live our lives more fully.

It can feel scary, but it is a good reminder that it’s only a feeling.

You can tell your brain that in the moment. It doesn’t represent who you are.

Your peace comes from embracing mindfulness and using it as a tool to be present with anxiety

Courage plays a role in this process. When we’re no longer afraid of being uncomfortable, we become more capable. Anxiety, although intense and uncomfortable, is not life-threatening; it is a perception rather than a reality.

An essential aspect of managing anxiety is learning to be compassionate towards yourself. There is no shame in feeling anxious or disappointed. 

We adapt to the fact that our measuring stick of success is continually changing, and what once satisfied us may no longer do so. 

Breaking free from the addiction to achievement and the constant comparison to others can be achieved through mindfulness, helping us break the cycle of discontent.

Uneasiness is part of our evolutionary heritage, a feature hardwired into our brains as a response to potential threats. 

Consider embracing it as a part of our lives and use mindfulness as a calming box tool to confront it. 

Liberate yourself from the cycle of avoidance and open the door to living your life more fully. By understanding the evolutionary roots of anxiety and how to manage it, we can embark on a journey toward personal growth and self-acceptance. Keep building your sustainable calm foundation to keep learning and growing. You may not get it right every day, but trying is always better than not trying. Build your calming box starting today.