Calming Box Finding Serenity: Simple Techniques to Calm Anxiety

“Unveiling the Truth: Why Our Brains Crave Scarcity Over Abundance, Leading to Daily Pain, Anxiety, and Fear”

Our brains are wired for scarcity not abundance causing us pain, uncertainty, anxiety and fear daily. Learn to manage your anxiety to find your own sustainable platform of your own calming box.

  • 1.Deep Breathing: One of the most effective and immediate ways to combat anxiety is through deep breathing exercises. By focusing on your breath, inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth, you can signal your body to relax. This can lower your heart rate and help you feel more grounded.Put your phone down while you are on the bus and breathe for a bit.
  • 2.Mindfulness Meditation: Engaging in mindfulness meditation allows you to anchor yourself in the present moment. By paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment, you  cultivate a sense of awareness and detachment from anxious thoughts. Even a few minutes of daily practice can make a significant difference in managing anxiety.Put your phone down. Focus on the dog while walking him/her.
  • 3.Physical Activity: A little exercise combats your anxiety. Physical activity releases endorphins, which act as natural mood lifters. Additionally, focusing on your body’s movements can divert your attention away from anxious thoughts and provide a sense of accomplishment. Park far away in the parking lot and walk. This is easy to do and easy to control. Celebrate your win today by walking. Going to the gym is expensive. Walk in your neighbourhood. Walk on your lunch break. Walk up the escalator. Walk the dog further. Let folk with compromised mobility take the elevator. Take the stairs. Celebrate your win.
  • 4.Limiting Stimulants: Caffeine, alcohol and cannabis  exacerbate your anxiety. Consider reducing your intake or opting for decaffeinated beverages and healthier snacks. Try breaking free from substances that numb you and stop you from feeling. Even the crummy feelings. This is where you find freedom.
  • 5.Seeking Support: Talking about your feelings with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist can provide valuable perspective and emotional support. Practice feeling uncomfortable and not to fear being with your emotions.
  • 6.Establishing Routine: Creating a structured daily routine provides a sense of stability and predictability, which can be comforting when navigating anxious feelings. Set specific times for meals, work, relaxation, and sleep to create a balanced and harmonious day. Make your bed and hang up your towel to bring easy calm.
  • 7. Mindful Tasks: Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, gardening, painting, or listening to calming music. These mindful tasks shift you into focus and foster a sense of peace.

Managing your anxiety is your ongoing journey of building your calming box of a sustainable platform and foundation that works for you.

By incorporating your techniques into your daily life, you cultivate a sense of calm, resilience, and well-being. 

It’s okay to seek help and prioritize your mental health. Embrace the journey of finding serenity and discover the transformative power of inner peace. If you cannot afford to paid therapy, adopt your own strategies by staying on track and sitting in your emotions. A reminder that thoughts and emotions can be labeled to help you cope.