Don’t worry no one knows what they’re doing anyway.
Big jobs, cool vacations, mortgages, kids, it’s all there. It makes sense if you’re feeling lost.
It’s common to feel like we’re stumbling in the dark, unsure of where we’re headed. It can be overwhelming and taking you from your foundation of calm.
The detrimental effects of comparing is us measuring our worth based on others’ accomplishments.
Consumerism is built on envy. Over extending your credit card and spending more than you earn to try to find happiness and keep up with fashion trends. However, it is never satisfying. Never sustainably. Never fulfilling.
See if you can gently prioritise your own growth. Your own body. Your own journey. Gently each day, practise shifting your focus. The unrealistic standards will continue and leave you longing if you do not consider them as a cruel joke. Imagine thinking it’s normal to feel bad and subscribe to media that tries to control you. Your freedom. Your life. Build your sustainable platform of calm. Build your own calming box for a lifetime of resilience to the obstacles that will come up in life.
It’s okay to feel lost or unsure; these emotions are part of the human experience. We need our own faith to keep going when we cannot see our future. Similar to the headlights shining only on a part of the road when you are driving at night. Keep going no matter what.
Experiment with your values and passions to emerge stronger, wiser and more confident.
Your self esteem is for you to control. Support yourself. Support your body. Support your health. It’s easy to believe the online facade ,especially when we are struggling to know ourselves. Be comfortable with our lives. Chasing external validation seems like the easy answer , but it isn’t. Today’s cool fashion will change in a few months. Wear what you like. Take care of your clothes and wear them with pride.
Keep building your own strength, by using tools from your calming box to ensure your nervous system is in good shape.
No one has life figured out. The social media saturation is mostly a charade. Enjoy the art and the positive ideas social media provides. It doesn’t mean you are failing in life if you’re not at the gym, doing yoga, travelling, have the perfect partner, growing your own food and all the situations used to sell us the idea that we need to feel bad because we are using comparison as the measuring tool for life.
Learn what keeps your mind healthy and your heart, without spending all your money.
All the other consumer ideas are junk food competing for your attention. They give you heartburn and waste your time.
Practise speaking up for yourself and others. Helping others for your own sense of well being. If you feel friction, keep going. It’s your life and you are perfect just the way you are. Especially when you are going forth on your own gentle path to fulfilment, peace, calm, contentment.
It’s empowering to build your own calming box for your lifetime of harmony and joy.