Breaking Free from the Grip of Worry

Is it possible you have started making worry normal? Is it normal?

Worry, the invasion companion of your mind,  masquerades as a necessary evil, a response to life’s uncertainties and challenges. Yet, we realize worry is a fear we manufacture, a choice we make, albeit often unconsciously. Release yourself from worry to find your sustainable foundation of calm and add to your toolbox.

Let’s unravel the layers of worry, exploring its various guises and shedding light on its illusory nature. Some of the concepts are based on the book The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker

The Fabrication of Fear

Worry is a fabrication of fear—a response to the unknown, the uncontrollable, and the unpredictable. We choose to worry, as a means of grappling with life’s uncertainties and complexities. In doing so, we overlook the fact that worry is not an authentic response but a manufactured one—a choice we make, out of habit or conditioning. We may not have the tools of calm to find other ways to deal with our anxiety.

The Illusion of Control

One of the most common variations of worry is its guise as a form of control—a way to avoid change or admit powerlessness over a situation. When we worry, we convince ourselves that we’re doing something about the matter at hand, even though, in reality, worry is merely a passive response, a futile attempt to exert control over the uncontrollable. Humans want to manage the unknown as best they can, but at what cost?

The Facade of Connection

Another prevalent form of worry is its association with love and connection. We worry about others, convincing ourselves that it’s a sign of love and concern. Yet, in doing so, we fail to recognize that worry is a poor substitute for genuine care and action. True love is not manifested through worry but through meaningful gestures, support, and presence. Create safety with your loved ones by showing up ready for all our emotions and moments of being uncomfortable.

The Deception of Protection

Worry often cloaks itself as a shield against future disappointment—a preemptive strike against potential pain or failure. We convince ourselves that by worrying about something, we can somehow mitigate the impact of failure or disappointment when it inevitably occurs. Yet, in reality, worry serves only to amplify our fears and anxieties, robbing us of the present moment and sapping our energy. We all have an aversion to feeling uncomfortable.

Breaking Free from Worry’s Grip

To break free from the grip of worry, we must recognize it for what it is—an illusion, a fabrication of the mind. We can acknowledge that worry is a choice, often driven by fear and insecurity, and that we have the power to choose differently. Instead of succumbing to worry, we can cultivate mindfulness, acceptance, and resilience, embracing life’s uncertainties with courage and grace. Build your sustainable calming box by continuing to learn and grow.


Worry, that insidious companion of the mind, thrives on fear and uncertainty, yet it is ultimately a choice—a choice we make, consciously or unconsciously. By recognizing the illusory nature of worry, we can begin to loosen its grip on our lives, embracing the present moment with courage and clarity. Remember, worry is but a shadow—a fleeting illusion in the light of our true essence. Stay as safe as you can by taking care of yourself as best you can.

Try to keep going using the tools in your calming box to find peace and fulfillment in your life daily. You’re not failing when you worry, but consider different routes and ideas to live your life in freedom.