Exploring Somatic Therapy: Healing Through Your Body

Somatic therapy is based on the understanding your beautiful body holds onto traumatic experiences. When you experience trauma, your body goes into a fight, flight, or freeze response, which get “stuck” if the trauma is not properly processed. This results in physical symptoms such as tension, pain, and chronic health issues, alongside emotional symptoms like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Understanding Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships are characterized by emotionally and physically damaging behaviours.

Manipulation, control, belittlement, and a lack of support. Toxicity arises from: romantic partners, friends, colleagues, and even family members. Recognizing the signs early is crucial to protecting your well-being.

People Pleasing

People pleasing is exhausting and never ending : When setting boundaries, communicate your needs clearly and respectfully. This may help reduce potential conflict and increase the likelihood that others will respect your boundaries, even if they don’t like them.

Breaking Free from the Grip of Worry

One of the most common variations of worry is its guise as a form of control—a way to avoid change or admit powerlessness over a situation. When we worry, we convince ourselves that we’re doing something about the matter at hand, even though, in reality, worry is merely a passive response, a futile attempt to exert control over the uncontrollable. Humans want to manage the unknown as best they can, but at what cost?

Calming Box Feel Good-Lend a Hand to Someone Else

Helping others teaches you to help yourself. If you’ve been through a tough experience or just have a case of the blues, the “activism cure” is a great way to get back to feeling like yourself.You are not helpless. Things are not hopeless. Keep searching and growing. Celebrate your wins. No matter how tiny.
Start today.