Cultivating Safety and Effective Communication With Your Conscious Brain.

People are busy trying to figure out what makes them anxious and then take that out of their life thinking they can remove it and everything will be fine but it’s not effective.

Safety is a critical aspect of overall well-being, and it’s important to recognize and respond to the signals our body sends us. It’s also essential to keep growing our capacity.

The Effectiveness of Talk Therapy

Why talk therapy is not for everyone. Complex trauma results in a range of symptoms that extend beyond cognitive understanding and verbal expression.

You could never express yourself. Why would you know how to now?

This expectation from others means they had the privilege of growing up being able to communicate. To express themselves. Someone listened to them. Their opinions and their feelings mattered.

Experience Contentment 

Contentment-One of the first steps is recognizing what it feels like so you can build your own calming box without substances that may cause your body harm.

Contentment is regarded as the pinnacle of emotional well-being and psychological balance. 

Recognizing and experiencing these feelings has a transformative effect on our mental, emotional, and even physical well-being.